
In this fast paced, emoji and internet acronym filled world, I was hoping for a break in the monotony with words, pictures and recommendations. In this blog, I hope you will enjoy with all of your senses. I will also occasionally post ideas of places to see, eat and experience that we experience through our travels. Please feel free to let me know if there is somewhere you would like to know more about. Each post will start with a word and I hope to illustrate some of the ways the word inspires me. As often as I can, I will share with you local finds that we don’t want to live without, suggestions for easy entertaining, and seasonal finds.



A little about us.

Leslie and Bruce Schlernitzauer own Porcupine Provisions, a full service catering company in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Leslie, a native Charlottean, and Bruce a Navy brat (mostly from New England) met while in college at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Bruce also attended the advanced standing culinary program at Johnson and Wales in Rhode Island. Leslie attended business school at Boston University. Their restaurant, Porcupine Café (1996-1999), introduced their singular reputation for innovative American food and unparalleled service.

Leslie is currently a member of the board of directors of the Council for Children’s Rights and Charlotte Wine and Food Weekend. Bruce has no interest in serving on your board, but he would be happy to cater your events.

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