Category: Food


squash \ˈskwäsh \ˈskwȯsh   Definition of squash something soft and easily crushed the sudden fall of a heavy soft body or the sound of such a fall a crushed mass sweetened citrus fruit juice often served with added soda water a singles…

Maine Trip 2017

Maine \ ˈmān       Definition of Maine   state on the Atlantic coast in the northeastern U.S. and bordering on the Canadian provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick; capital Augusta, area 33,265 square miles, population 1,328,361   Before I begin, I would like to…


travel \ trav·el \ˈtra-vəl\ to go on or as if on a trip or tour :  to go as if by traveling :  pass :  associate :  to go from place to place as a sales representative or business agent to move or undergo transmission from one place to another  : …

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