Category: Lifestyle

‘Tis the Season!

We are gearing up for our busiest time of year around here and starting now, working every day until Christmas. We are about to go through… 1200 pounds of tenderloin 300 pounds of shrimp More mayonnaise than I want to…


grateful \ grate·ful  \ ˈgrāt-fəl   Definition of grateful: 1: appreciative of benefits received 2: expressing gratitude 3: affording pleasure or contentment 4: pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated     Two years ago yesterday, we woke up to a 3 alarm fire at 4am (or 4:08 for…

Thanksgiving Wine List

Wines for Thanksgiving – think outside the bottle! If you know me, you know I love my wine, and love sharing my recommendations with all of you. With some help from local Charlotte wine stores, we put together a great…


thankful \ thank·ful  \ ˈthaŋk-fəl     Definition of thankful: 1: conscious of benefit received 2: expressive of thanks 3:well pleased   It’s that time again – almost Thanksgiving my favorite holiday. Food, family, friends and no presents. Because of our crazy work schedule, everyone comes to us…


team \ ˈtēm Our “team” has been busy, busy, busy, so this week we are posting on a Thursday!  Definition of team: 1: a number of persons associated together in work or activity 2: two or more draft animals harnessed to the same vehicle or…

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