
fall \ ˈfȯl


Definition of fall:

  1. to descend freely by the force of gravity
  2. to become lower in degree or level
  3. to drop in pitch or volume
  4. to decline in quality, activity, or quantity
  5. to occur at a certain time
  6. to come by chance
  7. to pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind or a new state or condition
  8. the season!


Fall is always such a beautiful time of year. My father, who passed away almost 15 years ago, was not your stereotypical tree-hugger; but he sure was a tree lover. He loved trees and thanks to a family friend, we have numerous trees planted in his honor. We gave away seedlings at his funeral. Ours was trampled by one of our dogs and we thought for sure wouldn’t make it and yet look at it now.



One of our family friends has the largest one I have seen, but would love for any of you reading to prove me wrong and send me your pictures.


One of the other trees pictured was given to us by the friend I mentioned who helped us get the seedlings. It is such a lovely reminder of how beautiful trees are and I think of my dad each time I pass by it. It is particularly beautiful in this fall season.



I try and take walks each day and I love the sound of walking over fallen leaves this time of year and even crunching acorns along the way.


Over the years, we often gave trees to each other as gifts. One day my dad called me and insisted I rush over to the house. Of course, I assumed by the tone of his voice that something was terribly wrong. When I arrived, he insisted I come outside to look at how beautiful a tree was that we had given him for one occasion or another.


With the impending change of season (hopefully it will soon), the darkness coming earlier each day, the need for sweaters take some time to appreciate the trees everywhere and what fall does to the beautiful landscape around us.


#treesareawesome #changingleaves #seasonschange

2 thoughts on “Fall

  1. Oh how I miss the trees and color – and even needing to wear a sweater! Enjoy all you lucky northerners!

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