
perspective \ per·spec·tive  \ pər-ˈspek-tiv


Definition of perspective

1: the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye; specifically : representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance

2a: the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed

  • also: point of view

b: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance

  • trying to maintain my perspective

3a: a visible scene; especially : one giving a distinctive impression of distance

b: a mental view or prospect

  • to gain a broader perspective on the international scene

4: the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions


When someone dies, tragedies occur, something doesn’t go our way, we gain a new perspective for a little while. But it’s not the perspective that we have that makes a difference, rather it is what we do with it and for how long.

In the wake of tragedy, so often perspective comes and goes as we settle back into the normalcy of life. I wonder what would happen to the world if we could live with that perspective instead? Could we honor the person, the tragedy, the loss by making sure we spend more time understanding people? Making sure we spend more time doing the things we love with the people we love.

I know I don’t and none of us have a clear answer on this, but I do wonder… Would the world, the politics of the world, the poverty and hunger in the world, the haves and have nots be closer together if we could agree on maintaining more perspective?

I do think we all have varying degrees of capacity, but can we stretch ourselves to make sure we keep that perspective? Sometimes they say if you take a step back, a deep breath, open your eyes and keep your mouth shut you might consider the situation in a new light. Understanding and appreciating people for who they are, and the life they are living.

I have on more than one occasion given someone grieving a pocket full of sunshine, a pocket made out of construction paper filled with images of the sun. This week someone whom you could only describe as a pocket full of sunshine left us. I know that she would want all of us to figure out how to find sunshine in everything we do. So maybe just maybe if we all step back and stretch our capacity for living with perspective – everything and everyone could be a little Sunny inside and out.

How do you Relish?

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