Relish\ rel·ish \ˈre-lish\
Definition of relish:
- characteristic flavor; especially : pleasing or zestful flavor
- a quantity just sufficient to flavor or characterize
- enjoyment of or delight in something that satisfies one’s tastes, inclinations, or desires: a strong liking
- something adding a zestful flavor; especially : a condiment (as of pickles or green tomatoes) eaten with other food to add flavor
Definition credit: Merriam Webster
It was over a year ago when I ventured to start a blog which seemed like a natural extension of what we do every day…
Then life, business etc. got in the way and I haven’t been consistent.
So here is my retake on the beginning of this blog in the midst of all of this crazy. (Italics are the pandemic additions).
We did and will create beautiful and meaningful events for people.
We too struggle to figure out what to make for dinner. Now the struggle is even more real.
We will travel to places that amaze us.
We will enjoy eating other people’s food.
We still appreciate beautiful things.
We still love sharing.
We still love to entertain and will again.
We appreciate learning from people, and we just thought it would be fun.
So here we go. I hope you will appreciate looking at words, ideas and pictures maybe even in a different light. I look forward to the journey with you and hope to hear from you along the way.
I am known for saying a lot in few words. I am the Queen of one word responses, little punctuation and some would argue a different language altogether. So I look forward to the challenge of extending my words and myself in the process. Who knows, you may tell me to go back to the one word responses but here is my first run. PS – the pandemic has not changed my mind.
Our household is full of “relish.”
We take condiments very seriously. We don’t have hot sauce we have twenty hot sauces.
We don’t have ranch we have 4 different kinds. We have salsa, chutney, chimichurri and pesto on hand at all times.
We have multiple salad dressing options homemade and store bought and at least 3 of each at all times. Caesar, we prefer the one Bruce makes, but in a pinch we will suffer through store bought.
You just never know when you may need to dip something so we are ready at all times.

We also enjoy opportunities to relish in the moment. Thanksgiving might be our favorite time to relish in it all. Family, friends who are like family, food and fellowship and no presents. My definition of a perfect holiday. We can’t wait to break bread with everyone again.
We too like to relish in the moment of all things when we can.
One of Bruce’s favorite is Chimichurri. The versatility is a big part – it can be used as a sauce or marinade. Everyone has their version so here is ours. Most recipes call for shallots, but we use scallions because of the milder flavor.
See the recipe below. How do you relish?

2 scallions
2 cloves, garlic
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1 t salt (+1/4 t)
1/4 cup, cilantro
1/2 cup, mint
1/2 cup, parsley
2 T oregano
1 jalapeno, finely diced
3/4 cup, olive oil
Finely chop garlic and season with 1/4 t of the salt and use the side of your knife to smash the garlic and salt together making a fine paste. Place in a small bowl. Add remaining salt and vinegar and whisk to combine.
Chop the herbs and scallions as finely as possible and add to the bowl. Add the jalapeno and slowly whisk in the olive oil. Taste and adjust seasoning by adding salt or vinegar to balance. This can also be done in a food processor by substituting 1/4 cup of canola oil for some of the olive oil.
#LafageRosebythePool #SoulFoodSundays #Relishofanykind #Dipuntilyourheartiscontent #Familydinners #SundayBrunch #DaysOff #RoadTrips #GreatConcerts #beingwithothers #hopingforavaccine #wishingformoregrace (no pun intended)