

noun  res·o·lu·tion  \ ˌre-zə-ˈlü-shən \

Definition of resolution

1: the act or process of resolving: such as

a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones

b : the act of answering : solving

c : the act of determining


I am not a traditional person in a lot of ways, but especially when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions.

I prefer to look at what went well and why, and what we can do to make the New Year even better.

Last year

  • we produced a lot of great events
  • we provided a lot of food for charitable organizations so they could raise more money
  • found some paperwork efficiences
  • figured out a better way to file so I actually keep up
  • traveled a little bit

There are of course a couple of personal recurring themes that seem to have no “resolution.”

Losing weight, getting in better shape, slowing down, taking on less volunteer opportunities, saving money and perhaps conquering all that Quickbooks has to offer!

Losing weight – ugh- gravity and age are the enemy apparently. Yes I know I could eat and drink less and exercise more too, but…

In the New Year – I resolve to take in more – more of whatever is placed in front of me. I also hope to travel more stay tuned next blog for our short trip to Asheville, NC.

I resolve to “maybe” take on a few less volunteer opportunities but perhaps to only make the ones I am still doing even better.

I resolve to be more creative when possible in making dinner, writing menus, problem solving and planning for the future.

I resolve to continue to plan ahead. I think that I am a problem solver who happens to be a wife, mother, friend and business owner so don’t want to disappoint there.

Happy whatever your Resolutions are and/or should be. I look forward to writing more blogs and contemplating more things in the New Year. Happy New Year.

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