
season \ sea·son \ˈsē-zən

Definition of season:

  1. a time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature :  a suitable or natural time or occasion :  an indefinite period of time
  2. a period of the year characterized by or associated with a particular activity or phenomenon :  a period associated with some phase or activity of agriculture (such as growth or harvesting) :  a period in which an animal engages in some activity (such as migrating or mating) :  the period normally characterized by a particular kind of weather  :  a period marked by special activity especially in some field :  a period in which a place is most frequented:  one of the four quarters into which the year is commonly divided :  the time of a major holiday
  3. seasoning
  4. the schedule of official games played or to be played by a sports team during a playing season
  5. off-season

in season

  1. at the right time
  2. at the stage of greatest fitness (as for eating)
  3. legally available to be hunted or caught
Definition from: Merriam Webster

First wanted to start off by apologizing for missing last week! We had some hurricane evacuees from College of Charleston, and time got away from us!

‘Tis the season for football; routines; waking up earlier; weather breaking; sitting by the fire; getting organized; and getting busier. In our world it is always the season for food and adding seasons enhances the flavors of food. Seasoning adds layers of complexity to food as well.

It’s the season here for green leafy vegetables, lettuces, radishes and more squash as well.

According to retailers it’s time to decorate for the season too – Halloween and Christmas already out in full force.

People can become more seasoned as they learn new things as well. Which reminds me in times like these, to thank all of the people who have and will continue to provide disaster relief, and all of the seasoned professionals and ordinary people who helped to rescue and shelter those in need.

In the wake of all of these natural disasters, here is hoping for this hurricane and fire season to hurry up and end. And to the rebuilding of lives in their “new” season of reality whatever, and wherever that may take them.

And at the end of the day a little “seasoning” can go a long way!

#seasoningisthespiceoflife #tistheseason


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