
Grace \ˈgrās\

Definition of grace:

  1. unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification:  a virtue coming from God:  a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance
  2. approval, favor : mercy, pardon : a special favor : privilege : disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency : a temporary exemption : reprieve
  3. a charming or attractive trait or characteristic : a pleasing appearance or effect : charm : ease and suppleness of movement or bearing
  4. used as a title of address or reference for a duke, a duchess, or an archbishop
  5. a short prayer at a meal asking a blessing or giving thanks
  6. a musical trill, turn, or appoggiatura
  7. sense of propriety or right : the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful
  8. Our youngest child!!!!!!!!


Definition from: Merriam Webster

We had a major house fire less than a year ago in the middle of the night. Our youngest Grace, had five friends sleeping over. All 8 of us, 3 dogs and one cat got out safely. We lost a lot, but we gained so much more. After the fire, we were surrounded by love, food, clothes, neighbors, friends and everything we needed. I am used to being the one that jumps in to help not the one who needs help. The fire taught me how to receive “gracefully.” This is a powerful gift. People want to help and how gracious it is to receive. I have tried to honor this gift with more grace each day. It’s powerful and worth it!

While we were living in temporary housing, one of our neighbors on the same street had a major house fire. I immediately went to them the morning of their fire, I introduced myself and gave them a card. I said “not today, but whenever you are ready call me. There are so many things I wish I had known and there is no reason for you to learn them the hard way.” Eventually we connected and we have since enjoyed a new found friendship. Of course, the mom’s name is Megan (my oldest daughter’s name and even spelled the same). And one of their children is named Georgia Grace. These small things happen a lot to me and I have come to learn they are not actually small.

One of the questions she had was: “so many people are bringing me things, family is sending money they don’t have, and I don’t know what to do. What did you do?” I told her to “graciously” accept their gifts, large or small, and know that she is receiving these gifts because she has given so much herself, and she has made them feel needed.

Some said “you have such bad luck.” I am not sure I believe in luck, but I do believe that sometimes we are given the hand that we are able to play – of course some more gracefully than others. Don’t get me wrong rainbows, unicorns and a pot of gold would be gracefully accepted, but until then game on!

On and to bring it back to food (always), say “grace” before dinner out loud or to yourself. While you are at it, give a shout out to the hands that prepared it too!


#weneedlessthanwethink #ifitdoesntburnitdrowns #keepgoodrecords #gratefulforfriendsfamilyandfiremen

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